About Us

Welcome to Bello Buzz.

I’m Ellie Divine, a proud parent and Child Specialist. Being the mom of two wonderful kids and one responsible pre-teen, I have experienced joys and challenges. 

Over the years, I have discovered many parenting tips, tricks, and strategies. I hope, these Modern Parenthood Guides will help to strengthen your bond with your child. These are some of my techniques, and some are based on my research.

With so much information online, it can be tiresome for one person to find the right kind of info in one place. Therefore, I have created this space for you to fulfill your Parenting Goals share my real-life experiences, practical suggestions, and honest insights . 

Whether you’re looking for tips on parenting education, handling social challenges about kids and pre-teens, or improving your parent-child relations, my content will help you every step of your parenthood journey.

Thank you! Let’s raise kind children of this world.